“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Came 2 Believe is very unique with our meetings and program, because we inclusively provide the learning tools and spiritual path of addiction freedom for both addicts and non-addicts.
The addict hears how his/her selfish disease doesn’t only affect them, but everyone around them. They begin to get an understanding of how their addiction became poison to those around them, as well as themselves.
The non-addict not only learns what caused the addiction; often trying to melt away troubles or fears, reduce tension and remove feelings of loneliness, but they also begin to understand how they are a bigger part of the addiction than they may have realized, and how they’ve been blaming the addict, while denying their role.
Our inclusive meetings powerfully and effectively open doors to begin the healing process on both sides.
Came to Believe has seen lives empowered and transformed by entire families attending meetings, finding a sponsor to lead the addict and non-addict through the 12 Step Recovery Program and finding a Higher Power for themselves.
You can live a new life!